More positive impact for your company And therefore greater economic success

Economic performance, social responsibility and sustainability can be united. When combined sensibly, these three goals unleash the greatest forces. reHuman supports you in this:

from purpose to impact.

Thorsten Heger & Alexander Gebhardt-Euler | reHuman Founders
reHuman Founders: Thorsten Heger & Alexander Gebhardt-Euler
Companies with a positive social & ecological impact achieved 14 times higher returns than the S&P 500 average over 15 years.
FROM "FIRMS OF ENDEARMENT" (2014) BY Rajendra Sisodia
Your challenges

The world is facing major changes today. So is your company.


Lack of clarity in corporate purpose & objectives

A powerful purpose and binding goals must be internalized by everyone. Because your company's success depends on it.


Resistance to and fear of change

Effectively shaping change is an art. Combined with a good corporate culture, lasting development is possible.


Environmental & social legal requirements

Compliance with regulatory requirements should not just be a compulsory exercise - it should be an opportunity and a competitive advantage.


Competitive disadvantage: lack of skilled workers

In a competitive labor market, it is becoming increasingly important to attract and retain the best talent.

Today, companies in all sectors face complex and often urgent challenges - in their day-to-day business and far beyond. We specialize in tackling your success-critical issues systematically and sustainably.

Purpose, goals & performance


The greatest lever for top performance in your company lies in a strong "why" - your individual meaning and purpose. Values and major goals for all levels and teams are derived from this. We accompany you in this participative process and develop clarity, coherence and acceptance for everyone.

  • Company purpose: Greatest motivation through your real, strong "why".
  • Values & goals: Involvement of all levels & teams for maximum commitment.
  • Performance: removing obstacles, resolving conflicts, enabling top performance.
Leadership, culture & change


We are your partner for a humane corporate culture, effective leadership and effective change processes at all levels. Our focus is always on people: in their drive to create positive change, but also in the challenge of having to overcome internal and external resistance time and again.

  • Corporate culture: your greatest long-term success factor.
  • Change: Strategic and operational support for change processes.
  • Leadership: Effective, values-based leadership in a constantly changing environment.
Corporate Social Responsibility


Together, we will make your company a pioneer in social and ecological responsibility.
This means that your company lives diversity, equal opportunities and inclusion. You master your regulatory challenges with us and we support you in sustainable and regenerative business practices.

  • Diversity, equity, inclusion: basic prerequisite for innovation and success.
  • Sustainable business models: On the way to a regenerative economy.
  • Philanthropic impact: "Winning through giving" as a corporate philosophy.
Employer Branding, Recruiting & Retention


Strong employer branding creates more than just a good image. It attracts the right talent and keeps them loyal to the company. With targeted strategies and creative solutions, we make your company the first choice for skilled workers - even for generations Y and Z.

  • Clear brand identity: What do you stand for? How do you stand out from others?
  • Inspiring storytelling: We work out exactly those authentic stories with that really resonate with the target group.
  • Employee retention: We help to increase commitment, joy and loyalty - through purpose and personal growth.

Current success stories

"Starting out in an operational crisis, you offered us exactly the right mix of challenge, navigation and hands-on approach with a major change project - real sparring partners at eye level, with vision and the necessary depth. The jointly developed purpose, values and target model is actively lived and creates the optimal connection between the company's goals and our culture and people."

Slava Pronkashkin


"In addition to the technical idea, building the right organization and culture are the most important success drivers of our start-up. Since the company was founded, Alexander has helped to define the core values of the new company and anchor them in the management style and culture. As a result, we have completed an important step in the hiring process to find not only the best professional candidates but also the most suitable people. We were also able to create absolute high-performance mindsets through coaching and team workshops. Systematic work on a human level has been one of our biggest success factors so far."

Ivor van Dartel & Dr. Sebastian Sehmann

Founder Vaeridion GmbH

We are

We ourselves have many years of leadership responsibility at senior management levels and therefore know that companies are like living organisms that must constantly adapt. This is exactly where we come in. The "re" in reHuman stands for "renew" and "rethink", while "human" underlines our focus on people and their desire for positive impact: on employees, consumers, suppliers and everyone else your company affects.

Our approach? We support you in being able to afford positive impact - through strong, sustainable economic performance. In doing so, we draw on a network of different experts.

Eva Menninger
Executive & Mindset Coach
Therapy Goldie
Jonas Theile
Sustainability consultant
Saskia Nebel
Graphic designer
Frank Walter
Lean excellence
Yven Zacharias
Business Strategist
Alexander Gebhardt-Euler
Managing Director reHuman
Stefan Kunz
Compliance consulting (lawyer)
EunJu Oh
International Leadership & Transformation Coach
Time for change

Why wait for tomorrow when the future can be shaped today?

Your challenges are our daily business. Let us develop the strategy for your success now.


Our process for successful projects

At reHuman , we believe in a collaborative approach to every issue. We develop individual measures and solutions together with you. We are project managers, experts, sparring partners, coaches, enablers and success controllers - all according to your needs.

Initial consultation

In a free initial consultation, we will discuss your current challenges, goals and needs together. We want to understand what moves you.You will get a first impression of who we are.

Strategy workshop

The initial meeting is followed by a free strategy workshop with relevant stakeholders. We go into the needs analysis in greater depth and outline solution steps. This allows us to get to know each other better. You then receive a customized offer.

Team line-up

Once we have understood what you need, we create the optimal diverse mix of suitable specialists and management generalists in the project team. So that together we can achieve the best results in terms of both depth and breadth.

Implementation & performance measurement

The following points are important to us during the collaboration: Solutions are developed in a participatory manner. Sustainable results are measurable. We are only finished when your goals have really been achieved. We always remain open to iterative optimization.