Andreas Kästner

Expert in greenhouse gas balancing and decarbonization

Andreas is Managing Director of viacero and supports companies in the creation of CCFs and PCFs. He studied industrial engineering and worked in various positions in the energy industry before viacero.


#CCF #PCF #Greenhouse gas balance #CSRD #Decarbonization #Transformation

As founder and Managing Director of viacero, Andreas supports companies on their way to a more climate-friendly and sustainable future. Climate protection and sustainable, grandchildren-friendly business models play a central role in this. In future, companies will have to rethink and change their existing business models in order to remain competitive in the long term. viacero supports this transformation and shows that climate protection and sustainability can also pay off economically in the long term.

Before viacero, Andreas worked for Stadtwerke Kiel Netz GmbH, Lumenaza and 50Hertz, among others. In his free time, he goes for walks with his dog, trains for the next half marathon or devotes himself to DIY projects.