Beate Grams

Consultant and coach for organizational and personal development

Beate advises companies on change management, communication, personality, leadership and team development, conflict resolution, burnout prevention and stress reduction.


#Promoting collaboration #Resolving conflicts #Moving teams #Rethinking leadership #Organizational development #Change

Beate has several years of management experience in management consulting and industry and a total of 25 years of professional experience in various sectors (including logistics and production).

In 2016, she founded Meta Kompass - Institute for Organizational Culture and advises companies in the areas of change management, communication, leadership and team development, conflict resolution, personality development, burnout prevention and stress reduction.

In addition to her practical experience, she contributes knowledge and tools from a wide range of relevant qualifications and training courses:

  • Systemic coaching training
  • Change Manager Training
  • Further training in transactional analysis
  • Train the Trainer
  • Enneagram Professional Training
  • Project management
  • Introvisioncoaching
  • Moderation training
  • Appreciative Inquiry
  • Dynamic Facilitation
  • Holacracy basics
  • Workshop on human dignity and shame
  • Use of stories in counseling
  • Systemic structural constellation
  • Inner team
  • Conflict management
  • The Work of Byron Katie
  • Self-management and employee management
  • Leading teams successfully
  • Intercultural management
  • Business Creativity
  • Non-violent communication
  • Relaxation trainer
  • Resilience and mindfulness
  • Energetic coaching
  • Grief counseling
  • Basic training in existential analysis logotherapy