About the power of visions

If you have visions go to the doctor

Alexander Gebhardt-Euler
#Vision #Leadership #Goals
If you have visions go to the doctor

Based on the quote from former German Chancellor Helmut Schmidt "...those who have visions should see a doctor", I would like to make a plea for the fundamental importance of visionary thoughts: for human life and for organizations.

I am convinced that people's paths in life, as different as they are, depend to a large extent on what vision a person has of their life. Perhaps this is the difference between why some are content with a certain purpose in life and others constantly strive for personal development. Expanding their skills, expanding their knowledge, expanding their influence, expanding their creative power.

I believe that, above all, you need a vision of yourself for which you set out on a journey; one that you follow in order to move forward in life. Then paths and opportunities open up that would otherwise probably remain closed. It's like a compass that you constantly align yourself with.

The same applies to organizations. If several people are committed to a cause and contribute their working hours to it, it is irresponsible to simply let this group work for itself.

Here, a vision represents a common, long-term goal: linked in the best possible way to a commonly understood purpose (#purpose), which bundles and aligns forces and yet also allows them to develop freely, so that everyone does their best to lead the organization in the direction of the common vision. Of course, it becomes really effective when short-term goals are derived from long-term visions and are broken down and communicated throughout the organization on a daily basis (#reAlign).

In this respect, a vision is more than just a medicine. It's a magic pill to help people and groups achieve great things over time.
And the best thing? You don't even need to see a doctor. Because the power of such visions already lies within you!

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